When the City of Steelhead grew the need for a larger library was evident. I took inspiration from the Library of Congress to recreate a smaller scale version of it for the city.
Real Life - Library of Congress
From Wikipedia Source:
"The Library of Congress was built by Congress in 1800, and was housed in the United States Capitol for most of the 19th century. After much of the original collection had been destroyed during the War of 1812, Thomas Jefferson sold 6,487 books, his entire personal collection, to the library in 1815. After a period of decline during the mid-19th century the Library of Congress began to grow rapidly in both size and importance after the American Civil War, culminating in the construction of a separate library building the transference of all copyright deposit holdings to the Library. During the rapid expansion of the 20th century the Library of Congress assumed a preeminent public role, becoming a "library of last resort" and expanding its mission for the benefit of scholars and the American people."
To learn more about the Library of Congress please visit:
The Second Life recreation:
Due to the limited space I only used part of the facade of the RL build for The Steelhead Public Library. There are various readings held within the library and events and more information about the Library systems of SecondLife. It is a one of a kind build not found anywhere else on the grid. Do stop in to learn more of the library.
Visit the Location at:
Financed by CeAire and Hawc Decosta
Run by Riven Homewood
Built by TotalLunar Eclipse & Tensai Hilra

Ceiling Skylights inside the Real Life Library of Congress:
Recreated in SecondLife.
Playing with the shadow features in Second Life inside the Steelhead Public Library.
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